I've been very busy working, but between some of the small jobs, I've been looking around and found a few things to blog about.
Over on Slashdot, they are hearing rumors that the LOTR:ROTK extended version may be released in theaters. I couldn't get to the articles they link, but... LONGER??? OMG!!! LONGER!!! Um - no thanks.
In other news Federal court upholds Calif. e-voting ban and all I can say is IT'S ABOUT TIME!!! There are some pretty significant security problems with these machines. Not the least of which is the complete absence of a paper trail! Apparently some disablity rights group was protesting...
The plaintiffs argued that banning the systems would disenfranchise visually or physically impaired voters.
These machines have not been around that long. If this is a cause for disenfranchisement, what in the world did they do before these machines came along??? Please don't try to tell me they weren't allowed to vote - because I don't buy that one at all! They need a better excuse than that! Also, it seems they aren't even thinking of their best interests - REAL disenfranchisement will happen if these machines break and NONE of their votes count!!!
Last of all (and I'm a couple of days late with this - always catching up, that's me!) Laughing Wolf has a tribute to James Doohan, known and loved as Scotty of the old Star Trek series, who was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. I wish I had been able to meet him, but I will always enjoy watching him in the Star Trek reruns.
Scotty has alzheimers? Damn. Most depressing news I've heard today. Godspeed Mr. Scott. Thanks for keeping the warp engines operating at 100% (and then some).
Posted by: Noble Eagle | July 08, 2004 at 04:24 PM
he is a great guy. i do have a pic he signed. i hope he receives all the care he needs.
Posted by: rammer | July 10, 2004 at 08:43 AM
Yet someone else who was priviledged to meet him! Rammer, I'm jealous.
Posted by: Teresa | July 10, 2004 at 06:39 PM