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July 09, 2004


Liberal Larry

I figured that since she just had a baby, she'd done enough link whoring for one month. But nooooooooooooo...


Thanks, Teresa. :)



Actually, it was three. Owen of Boots & Sabers is a good egg.


LOL - Larry, everyone deserves linky luv on their blogoversary!!! It's an accomplishment.

Dana - you're welcome, sorry I was late!

Harvey - I was going by what she said in her post, sorry I missed that about Owen - so okay - 3 linkers - it should've at LEAST been 4!!!


I'm thinkin' it should've been at LEAST the 13 on her main links section.

I mean, come on, people, is there REALLY a reason to dis America's #1 pin-up girl? I think not.

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