The Hollywood crowd who pretty much hate, loathe, and dispise George Bush (in particular) and the military (in general), have a real problem on their hands. How can they make war movies?
They face several very daunting cliff walls in this mighty undertaking. First is that they hate America - or they are so embarassed by being American (it amounts to the same thing) - they can't possibly make any movie that shows the modern American military in a positive light. Second, it might just make it appear that they actually like Bush, if they don't disparage everything he stands for. Third, the military may get the mistaken impression that someone in Hollywood thinks they are more intelligent than tree stumps... We certainly can't have that now can we?
So what's a Hollywood movie mogul to do? After all a good war movie really draws in the crowds... Then BAM! The idea hits them like a ton of bricks! Let's do movies of wars so old that they are simply not relevant to today's world. Thus we get movies about The Alamo and now the Trojan War. Sadly, they also change the stories to make them more in line with Hollywood's version of political correctness. And thus they bomb big time at the box office. Yet Hollywood never learns that it's audience (along with the military) can actually be smarter than a tree stump.
But I think Ghost of a Flea has found an even bigger problem with the Trojan War movie...
How about, shouldn't Helen be prettier than Achilles? And how many millihelens can Brad Pitt register anyway? I mean, wouldn't that need another unit of measurement seeing as he is a guy?
Yes, these will very likely be the 2 biggest mysteries about this movie. And yes I love watching Hollywood floundering about trying to avoid facing the reality - if you make a modern war movie, with a good script, that shows the military in a good light, and gives us some heroes to cheer for, you will pack the theater.
Just think of all that money they are passing up by sticking to their principles... LOL!