You may want to think again. George Will has a few things to say about retirement and Social Security. (note - Washington Post requires registration) Things that have been said umpteen million times, but no one wants to listen it seems.
This much is widely understood: Raising the retirement age and some other benefit reductions (including taking the exaggeration of inflation out of cost-of-living computations) will be necessary because tax increases to fund current benefit schedules would cripple the economy.
This appears to be the crux of the matter and is something that no politician in Washington - or anywhere else for that matter - will even begin to face. The mere mention of touching Social Security, other than increasing benefits, is a death knell to any political career.
But, the numbers are there for all to see
That did not matter because in 1940 there were 42 workers for every retiree. Today there are 3.2 to 1. In 2030 there will be 2.2 to 1.
Soon the American business landscape will begin to resemble Europe. A sad thought isn't it.
As for me, I plan on working as long as possible. I don't know what I'd do with myself if I didn't have anything to do. I'd probably go off the deep end and start thinking about voting Democrat! Yeesh that's scary enough on its own to keep me employed for life.