This little headline caught my eye earlier today
Web Spammers Can Be Beaten in Two Years-Regulators
And I think... Jumpin' Jiminy! Yahoo! Who is the genius behind this idea? And what IS the idea?
The global battle against spammers who use the Internet to disseminate pornography, distribute unsolicited sales pitches and engage in the new menace of "phishing" can be won in two years, officials running a three-day U.N. meeting told a news conference.
Ah, looks like the UN is trying once again to get into the technology business. They have made claims before that THEY should be the ones running the internet. I wonder HOW they plan on accomplishing this great feat of technology that has so far stymied the experts...
"If we achieve full international cooperation among governments and software companies, this plague which affects so many of us in our everyday life will be defeated in short order," said Robert Horton, Australia's top regulator.
Anyone beginning to feel warm and squooshy? Do you have the urge to sit around the campfire and sing Kum-bi-ya? What I would really love for Mr. Horton to do is to tell me his method for achieving "full international cooperation"! There is no doubt that if all the governments around the world fully cooperated and passed laws and cracked down, yeah, Spam could be mostly eliminated. But we can't even get the entire friggin' world to agree that dictators who murder millions should be taken out of the game altogether.
So tell me, is SPAM so much worse than genocide that it will bring all the countries of the world together to solve this horrific problem??? And who are we going to put in charge of this project? If we follow the lead of the UN Human Rights Committee, we should go directly to all known spammers and offer them a seat on this worthy project to save humanity.